Tuesday 12th July 2016

walk from City Hall to Millenium Bridge via Barbican

Please click here for pictures of Max's Walk in other years

The walk this year started by the Queens Walk sundial outside City Hall, and then went over Tower Bridge, and round St. Katherine's Dock to the sundial on top of Tower Hill Tube Station, where we were met by the Lady Mayoress, Lady Mountevans

The Tower Hill sundial is surrounded by a firese showing the history of the City of London, from this one of Boadicea to the present day. For the pictures of the other sections of the frieze,please click here

Max's Walk next year is on Wednesday 12th July 2017. We will be walking the section from the Millennium footbridge along the South Bank to Lambeth Bridge and then coss to the north bank and end up in Trafalgar Square. Please put the 12th July in your diary now.
The other sections of the Tower Hill frieze